Faron P. Cedotal Genealogical Research LLC
Association of Professional Genealogists, Member

Faron P. Cedotal
Genealogical Research LLC

Faron P. Cedotal has been researching and documenting his own French-Acadian family for over 35 years. He has researched his wife's Sicilian family for over 25 years. Faron has been a member of The Association of Professional Genealogists since 2019 and is a member of the National Genealogical Society.
Faron completed the following online genealogical courses through Brigham Young University:
Introduction to Family Research
Writing a Family History
Family Records
Vital Records
French Research
French Vital Records
Reading French Handwriting
The Internet and French Genealogy
He completed the Genealogist accreditation through courses at the East Baton Rouge parish library.
Faron received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Louisiana State University.
He is a native of Plaquemine, LA, and has resided in Baton Rouge, LA, for over 45 years. He retired from the The Dow Chemical Company after serving as a Computer Analyst for 30 years.
Genealogical Research Projects
Genealogical Research Projects
Find where your ancestors lived, what occupations they held, and much more. A comprehensive, easy to read book-type report (.pdf) is generated including pedigree charts, a bibliography, end-notes, and photos (provided by the client). All facts are sourced so you can trace where the facts describing your family came from. A separate pedigree chart (.pdf) containing all direct-line anccestors is included.

Citizenship and Naturalization
Are you trying to obtain a European passport? You must prove a direct-line relationship between yourself and your ancestor. Also, the ancestor's naturalization status and date of naturalization must be proven. We can help.

General Research
Do you need information from a specific courthouse or library, are you writing an article that needs information from a rare book, are you conducting a search for heirs? We'll visit the site and research the specific information you request.